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Q1: When will you send out the order ?

A: All paid orders will ship out within 24 hours. We do not process orders on the weekends or holidays.

Q2: How do I change address?

A: We only ship to paypal address only ,make sure the address is correct when the payment complect.

Q3:Can I cancel the order?

A: You can contact our Customer Service for assistance. Please note that we can help you cancel order BEFORE shipment. After shipment, if you want to cancel the order ,you can return it for full refund after you receive the package. For more information on how to return, please click on the return policy.

Q4: How to have the tracking number?

A:We will update tracking number when the order ship out by email, tel number and web membber ,area.

Q5: How long will the order take to arrive?

A: Generally, it will take 2-3 working days to deliver. We kindly suggest you to check by tracking information.

Q6: Why does it shows my package delivered but it hasn't?

A: Packages might be delivered to your mail box or signed by your neighbors. We suggest you check in your mail box and with your neighbors first. Or you can check with the shipping company with your tracking number and your ID card. If you still cannot find your package, please contact our Customer Service.

Q7: Can this hair be Iron-flat & Curled & Dyed?

A: Our virgin human hair can be dyed and iron-flat, iron flat, Pl don’t exceed 150ºC, or the hair will be destroyed. Also the hair will come back to its natural wavy after you wash it or iron-flat. More questions, pls contact us freely.

Q8 How many bundles for a full head? 

A: 12"-14": 2 bundles, 16"-20": 3 bundles, 22"-28": 4 bundles or more